Amy Richter - Bodhran

Amy Richter is a two-time Midwest Fleadh bodhrán champion. She has competed in the All-Ireland Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann in both Letterkenny (2006) and Cavan (2012).
Amy’s been playing Irish music since 2003. Her first class was at the Irish Fest Summer School and her first drum was a pizza box! After quickly upgrading to an actual bodhrán, she continued on with lessons through the Irish Fest School of Music, working closely with Patrick Roe. Over the past decade she’s attended dozens of workshops/schools and worked with many instructors both in the U.S. and Ireland. Instructors include: Colm Phelan, John Joe Kelly, Junior Davey, Paul Phillips, and Jackie Moran, to name a few.
Amy is a founding member of Milwaukee based band, áthas (ah-hiss) which formed in 2005 and continues to be a strong force in the Milwaukee trad scene today. áthas is the Irish word for joy and happiness. áthas has become a favorite act at Irish music’s premier event, Milwaukee Irish Fest, gathering praise for the excitement of their stage shows and the energy they display playing in the dance tent.
Highly sought after as an instructor, Amy has been teaching bodhrán in the greater Milwaukee area since 2007. She teaches for both the year round Irish Fest School of Music and the annual Irish Fest Summer School. She’s also taught for the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music and the Irish Music School of Chicago. In 2012, Amy was honored to join the faculty and teach at the Coleman Country Bodhrán School in County Sligo, Ireland.
Amy’s had the pleasure of touring the east coast with Bua, playing alongside John Whelan for several years at the annual Milwaukee Midwinter Set Dance Weekend, and has had guest appearances with Lunasa, Reel O Grande featuring Colin Farrell, and Milwaukee’s own Jazz band, We Six.
In 2008 Amy was honored to be the recipient of the Ed Ward Irish Music Scholarship. She used the money to fly to Ireland and attend the Coleman Country Bodhrán School to study with five-time All-Ireland champion, Junior Davey. Four years later, she was asked to return to the school as part of the faculty.
Amy spent a summer studying traditional Irish Music at the University of Limerick and in 2005, received the Celtic Studies Certificate from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.