CelticMKE Websites

Playing for Irish Dancing Class with Heather Lewin

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Playing for Irish Dancing Class

In this class, students will explore the foundations of playing for Irish dancing - step dance, Sean-nos dance, ceili, and set dance.

Dates: April 4, 11, 18, 25; May 2, 9, 2023

Time: 5:30pm to 6:30pm Central Time

Cost: $20 per class (enroll online)

Open to all instruments!

In this class, students will explore the foundations of playing for Irish dancing - step dance, Sean-nos dance, ceili, and set dance - with instructor Heather Lewin. Tune selection, rhythm, and tempo will all be focal points. Students will get the opportunity to play for live dancers at a CelticMKE Ceili at the end of the semester (May 13, 2023).

Dates: April 4, 11, 18, 25; May 2, 9

Note: Cancelation and Absence policy for group classes applies (https://irishfestschoolofmusic.com/Policies.htm).

Use our Enrollment form to register for the class: select "Class: Playing for Irish Dancing" in the Instrument dropdown and "Heather Lewin" for the Instructor. 


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